My Story
As long as I can remember, I have been making things. Much thanks to my mother, who is an artist, I’ve always had plenty of things to tinker with.
My love for journaling began in college when my world suddenly started to expand, wanting deeply to hold onto my past, but also embracing the future unknowns. Adding layers of paper, paint and words to my journals reflected the layers I was adding to my life. They were messy, torn and imperfect, yet I saw these tattered layers as something beautiful. A life evolving in the most authentic way.
Once I was able to acknowledge that things can be messy and blemished, but also beautiful, I began to understand that life, in its most tangled parts, is simply a journey through unfolding, tattered, brilliant layers.
I transferred my love for journaling onto canvas and into galleries. Painting became my therapy and the way I most felt like myself. When my daughter was born, my role shifted and the space where I painted, got smaller and smaller. Becoming a mother undoubtedly altered the way I work, the way I saw the world and the way I was able to make art. I only had short bits of time and space to make artwork, which is when Happy Day Beads were born. I was able to paint smaller, more tidy and with a clear focus - to bring small bits of happiness to people through brightly painted wood bead necklaces and accessories. My artwork became wearable and for the first time, what I made became a steady business.
After getting my Coaching Certification in 2020, I started my Creative Coaching Business, where I work with clients who are looking to use utilize their creativity in their businesses and their lives. You can learn more my coaching offering here.
The story is still unfolding, but I’m currently living in Asheville, NC with my husband, daughter, pup and 6 chickens. We spend our days making art, playing, hiking, cooking and living a simple (but still a little messy) life.
What I stand for
My goodness there is a lot going on in the world! And I fully realize that I have privilege, that I was brought up in a loving family and am blinded to so much that has happened in the past and is happening now. It is my responsibility as a human on this planet, to educate myself (and my daughter), and make a stand for the things I believe in and for the things I know that are true - for facts, science, unity and love. I am not perfect, far from it. I do not claim to know all the things. But what I do know is that we all deserve love and kindness and opportunity. That our earth is so precious and it needs our care and attention immediately. I know that many people are treated unfairly and that is not okay. I will do what I can to take a stand on the side of peace and unity and joy and hope in both my business and my life.
Womens March - Chicago 2017