Why Joy is Essential to Creativity
A few days ago, while I was painting our basement, I listened to Nicholas Wilton’s Podcast, Art2Life (one of my new favorites). In episode 44, Nick talks about joy and I just felt his words so deeply.
He speaks about the importance of experiencing joy through play at any age…whether you are 5 or 95. Play is something I’ve written about before, but it was refreshing to hear such an accomplished artist speak about it as well. He says that we should intentionally make time to play, even if just for just 20-30 minutes a day.
"We need to put JOY on the to-do list with all the things.”
So how exactly can we ensure that we are getting time for joy (like true, fun, silly, playful joy) everyday? And how exactly do we play?
Well as a parent to a 7 year old, I witness the makings of play everyday. It starts with a fun after school snack :) then an idea to try something, then experimenting (in a very messy way of course) with no rules or assumed outcomes. It involves letting your imagination run wild and truly believing anything is possible - and having fun along the way! Annnnd it sometimes involves paper and fairy dust and mud and tape…lots of tape :)
For you, play could mean connecting back to your younger self and the things you once loved. It could mean taking a new class or learning a new technique. It could mean trying new recipes, looking for rocks in a creek or re-reading your favorite children’s books.
Whatever your desired pathway to joy is, do it with an open mind and an open heart.
The reason for making joy a priority (aside from the obvious understanding that more joy is always a good thing) is that finding your joy, helps you connect back with yourself, which leads to more freedom in who you are and why you are here. And this is where it gets good…
With freedom and confidence in yourself, your creativity will soar! You will feel more vibrant, intentional and confident in your creativity and that will feel really, really good.
So go, find something fun to do! And if you need a little nudge in getting yourself some joyful time to play, I created this free Connect and Create Guide. It gives you some suggestions of ways to play everyday. Enjoy!