A few bad days
Okay creative friends, lets have a talk. I have to be honest...this week has been a bit rough. I completely hit that big wall of "what am I doing here and where has my creativity gone?" And it hurt. I had a couple days where I was really struggling to lift my spirits and get back on track. It is at these times, when I am so thankful for good reads and creative communities that keep dropping little bits of inspiration for me to gather up and nudge me forward.
I just want to say (and remind myself), that despite a few bad days, one really good day is all it takes to get back on track, so we need to grab hold of that. I know that we all have a lot on our plates and its really hard sometimes. Which is why we all need to be ok with a few bad, funky days, because right around the corner will be a really great day...and hopefully a really great week...and a great month. Lets keep our chins up. Grab hold of whatever you need to hoist yourself up & push forward...there is good ahead.
We've got this...and in the meantime there is wine and M&Ms and ice cream cones.