There are times when we just need to hear the hard truth. We are all creative souls, we all have something to contribute and we all get stuck. Most often we get stuck in our own heads, we stumbled upon our own feet and put the breaks on the things that could launch us forward.
I absolutely struggle everyday to push through the barriers of doubt, expectation and fear. When I put things out to the world, when I share my artwork and my words, I have to work really hard to not listen to the gremlins in my head. There are a million reasons why I could stay silent, mediocre, afraid. There are a million reasons I could put it off till later, I could wait for the perfect moment, or I could mirror someone else to avoid facing myself.
But if I did that, what kind of life would I be living?
In order to blossom into your true self and believe in the amazing talents that you possess, you must cross the big, scary barriers and just begin. Repeat: just begin.
Here is a great video that expresses just that!
(Thanks to my Made Vibrant Slack community, for sharing this!)