Guest Post: Art is a Form of Self Love by Morgan Dolginow
Post by Morgan Dolginow- Intentional Relationship Coach - Ignite Vibrancy
“There is no darkness, only colors mixed on top of each other that combine to appear darker and darker, yet when pieced apart; acknowledged, separated and explored, they bring light to those colors you couldn’t see before.” -An old journal entry from the first year I started fire-dancing and movement arts.
Art is a form of self love because it is by definition creative expression made into a physical form, whether temporarily through movement or objects that are to be destroyed, or more permanently in lasting structures. It is a form of love not only because it allows expression of our creative nature, emotions, and an outlet for ideas that might not be able to be captured in conversational words, but also because it teaches us lessons.
Art teaches: that it is ok to let things get messy, mistakes sometimes lead to something even better, we have a right to be here and take up space, alone time can be rejuvenating and create more energy, collaboration allows for creating bigger projects and mixing of perspectives. The list of the lessons goes on and on. When you love someone you want them to be happy and often that means allowing growth and expansion, which is why it’s important we encourage ourselves to learn and grow when leaning into self love!
I thought self love meant to take a bubble bath, eat healthy, exercise, and speak kindly to myself. I didn’t understand that creative expression and art was an essential component of self love too, rather than a “thing some folks connect with and need because they are artists or can create, but not me…” situation. But, that changed after I healed from a break up with someone I still loved, I began exploring movement arts by spinning poi and eventually fire-dancing. A creative door reopened, and I began to write poetry more frequently, dance consistently, and my sex life became passionate and connective. The Sacral chakra is said to be one of both sexuality, sensuality, love and creativity for they are tied together. So exploring one of those aspects, such as creativity, can open the door for other aspects such as love to grow and intensity.
Is art part of your self love toolkit as a way you express yourself and your love for yourself in this world? If you don’t know or are hesitant to consider yourself as a creator try out some of these challenges in the next 2 weeks:
Go to a local craft store or dollar store and buy odds and ends that interest you: buttons, stickers, pipe cleaners, glue, construction paper, sparkles. Let you inner kid guide you and have fun with your discoveries by crafting with what you bring home.
Turn on some music and dance for the first three songs, no matter what they are. Anything and everything that comes out is allowed.
Go on a neighborhood walk and find some natural materials. Note: if you are in the city try to go by a park area or a spot you know has some good steer finds. Now make outlines of these materials or etchings by putting a paper over them and using a pencil to shade the textures and lines. Add color if you are called to expand your art by using markers, paints, watercolors, or pens.
Take the original materials from the previous activity and create a natural art structure. Snap 5 pictures from different creative angles and feel free to use filters or other digital editing tools if you feel called to do so.
Sing a song - in the shower, in the car, in the woods, or while looking at the lyrics on YouTube karaoke. It doesn’t have to be a real song even, if you want to make one up on the spot and can’t remember the words that is ok.
Which of these activities did you enjoy the most and find some delight in doing? This is a form of creative expression you can explore further to unlock more intentional love for yourself.
The health benefits of self love include: increased communication and connections, better sleep, reduced anxiety, confidence, expansion of passions and meaning in life.
Morgan Dolginow coaches and supports individuals to release outdated relationship beliefs and to discover a life of love and vibrancy! She is also the creator of a flow arts, fire dancing, and movement arts podcast – The Art of Flow, which is available on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and
Morgan has traveled 6 continents seeking adventure, self-growth, and the development of compassion through shared experiences with the global community. Her biggest discovery is that you can have a travel mindset wherever you go, even in the routine of everyday life. Her coaching is founded on a holistic, transformational, somatic, and behavioral change approach.
Photo Credit: Jim Fitzgerald