Transitions + Treasures


There's been a lot of transition happening for us the last few years. I used to be really good at accepting the changes that transitions bring, but I am learning that as I grow older, it's becoming harder and harder to just pick up and go.  I guess I've hit that point where settling in and staying for a while sounds very enticing and comforting to me. Don't get me wrong, transitions can be exciting and completely worthwhile, but they can also be a lot of work, both mentally and physically. However, I have learned that the easiest way to get through these times of change (no matter how big or frequent they are) is to identify the little treasures that we need in order to stay grounded despite our circumstances.  

For me, these treasures are things that make me feel at home and make me feel alive: getting outside for a daily walk or a run, writing, creating and cooking. I must find time and space to do these things no matter what. I think the key is that each of these things forces me to stay engaged, centered and focused on the things that I find important.

There are always distractions, changes, commotion all around us...that's how life happens. Therefore, we must identify those things that keep us, "us," in order to stay grounded amongst the transitions in life. Otherwise we risk losing control and disconnecting from the most important things-our friends, our family, ourselves. 

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