Unique Tidbits of Awesome


There are some days when I am so immersed with the amazing things other people are doing. I know, I'm supposed to be focused on my own work, but come on, there is some serious talent and goodness out there! As I've begun this new website and started painting again, I have been paying a lot more attention to artists and other people who share similar interests as me.  I have so much admiration for these people because I am very quickly realizing how hard (yet rewarding) it is to get to a place where you truly embrace, accept and live out your passions.  I am so thankful to have this type of inspiration around me as they give me a benchmark to work up to and encouragement that anything is possible. It's a gentle reminder that we all have things to offer and, whether we realize it or not, people are paying attention. We just have to dig into the unique tidbits of awesome that reside in our souls and be bold enough to share it with the world. 

Here are a few of the people who have inspired me lately.  Their work is stellar and I love it, rock on ladies! 

Sabrina Ward Harrison (one of my all-time favorite artists, her workshops are amazeballs). Lisa Congdon (author of Art Inc. and artist behind so many amazing things). Emily Jeffords (love, love, love her style, website and her instagram class). Carolyn Winegeart (such encouraging and relatable words, loved her better hand-lettering course). Addie Lynn (her painting video, how fun is that?!)

Who is a source of inspires for you these days?!

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